Launch Countdown Log: Day 1 / ???


RAILGUN 500 will be launching some time soon. I plan to post daily updates about it until it does. I hope to post about 20 or 30 daily updates before it launches, if you catch my drift.

Today I uploaded build V5.3. It is much better than V5.2. The gameplay has received some more fine tuning and visual polish, AND it finally has a handful of sounds in it. Please absorb the sounds thoroughly with your eardrums. There will be more to absorb in the future.

I was hoping the Devtober jam that's been on Itch the past few years would be hosted again this year, but it doesn't look like that's the case; hence, these daily updates. It remains Devtober in my heart.

I don't have new images of the game to share so here's a dude I drew. Is this a hint at a future game??!?!?! Is it a sign of nothing whatsoever??!#$#@%!? Is it a red herring ?


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